Tag: exports

10 UK Export News You Might’ve Missed – Week #4

(10 UK Export news is also published on LinkedIn) Welcome to this edition of the Expordite newsletter, covering the export and international trade news from week 4 of 2023. But first, I’d like to give a shout-out to the Department for International Trade (DIT) for organising an excellent event in Bristol on Wednesday. I really enjoyed hearing the insights from global trade thought leaders...

Selling Abroad on Etsy? Here’s What British Creators Need to Know

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute legal/export advice. This article contains affiliate links. Etsy has a presence in over 80 countries. If you sell abroad on Etsy, that’s at least 80 potential markets for your amazing product. However, after the changes resulting from Brexit, many UK Etsy users have suspended their sales abroad or even stopped them altogether due to...

HMRC Replaces CHIEF With CDS for Import Declarations

HMRC, in a significant move towards the digital transformation of the UK’s governmental services, is replacing its decades-old import declarations software this week.

The new system, known as “Customs Declarations Service,” or “CDS,” is an essential upgrade for British international traders. It replaces the “Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight software,” or “CHIEF,” which has been around since 1994.