Exporters Can Now Use CDS for GVMS Locations

HMRC is completing the transition to CDS for exporters on November 30th, 2023. However, you can already start making export declarations in CDS in some locations.
These locations include Goods Vehicle Movement Service (GVMS) locations. A full list of CDS GVMS locations is available here (don’t be overwhelmed by these codes – with a CDS-integrated software provider like Expordite, you won’t have to memorise any of them!).
The GVMS locations are available in CDS as of March 2023. If you’re an exporter using the Goods Vehicle Movement Service and haven’t yet transitioned to CDS, don’t worry – 79% of exporters are in the same boat. However, now would be a good time to start.
You can also use Trader Dress Rehearsal Service (TDR) to help you prepare for CDS.
Watch our video below to learn more:
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